Sunday, October 18, 2009

My pen was broken

I couldn't find any paper. My dog ate my hand. I have excuses for days why I haven't been writing. This morning, after reading someone elses blog, I decided that I was going to write something, anything, just write. So, here I am, with the laptop battery flashing yellow. Hurry!
Life is good. There are the usual trials and tribulations. Cars break, cel phones get washed. sashimi gets eaten, pies are baked. Take the good with the bad and never let it get you down.
The new pup is adjusting to life with our family. She fits like a glove and brings a lot of love and snuggle. She's so sweet and was quick to turn everyone soft for her. Even the 16 year old. It's great to watch.
We've been doing a lot of walking the country roads all around us. Staying out of the woods for hunting season, but there is no shortage of dirt road to visit. Last weekend, two deer ran across the road in front of us. Ear to ear smiles. Fresh air. Ahhhhhh

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